Gutenberg on

Gutenberg is an ambitious project that aims to completely overhaul the experience of writing content in WordPress. It brings big changes to the edit post screen, but will also bring big changes to the way we design, develop and think about WordPress. And this new feature is due to arrive in the next release of WordPress, which could be just a few months away. For most of our new client projects, we’re working to at least a 3/4 month timeline. Which means that for us, anything currently in the planning stages needs to seriously consider Gutenberg if it is to avoid being out of date as soon as the site goes live.
I wanted to get in some practice, and adding compatibility to seemed like the perfect test project, and I had a few days free before my Christmas holidays in which to have a go.
So what did I need to do?
The blog side of the site was pretty standard WordPress. A simple template with a sidebar, and a few custom shortcodes. We actually enabled Gutenberg for posts only a couple of months ago without many problems. I’d need to add a few custom blocks for our shortcodes as the UI for them (previously using Shortcake) was no longer working.
Pages were a bit more complex.
