How to Use Custom Forms to Your Advantage

Contact forms are great. They give people a way to reach you via your website without exposing your email address. But you can use forms for so much more than sending a message.
In fact, you’re already using forms all over the place, even if you’ve never noticed it.
Posting a status update on Facebook? You’re filling in a form, and your form submission appears in your timeline.
Sending an email? You’re filling in a form, and the information you entered zips across the internet to another server.
Transferring funds between bank accounts? You’re filling in a form, and the bank processes the request to verify and start the transfer.
We should think of forms as tools to create interactive experiences. That way we’ll find more opportunities for using them.
Here are five examples to get you going.
1. Request Specific Information
This is a small step up from a typical contact form.
Don’t stop at asking for a name, subject line, email address, and message. Get specific with the types of information you want to gather.
Imagine that you’re building a website for an organization. It could be a business, a church, or a community association.
