Is Gutenberg the End or a New Beginning for WordPress?

I’ve been loosely following the noise and #wpdrama surrounding Gutenberg for as long as it has been around and honestly for the most part I’ve had negative feelings around it (I don’t like change at the best of times). However, I recently dived in and tried it out and you will never guess what happened next! But seriously. I came to two conclusions:
It’s a lovely piece of software
It does not belong in WordPress. (Yet. Or WordPress as we know it today)
Let me explain.
What is Gutenberg?
As a customary catch-up for those who don’t know, Gutenberg is the new way to edit content in WordPress. It replaces the tired TinyMCE post content editor and can do a lot more too – think shortcodes, widgets, menus, and even custom fields. It is a client-side interface built with React that uses a block based system to build up content:
It is being developed as a feature plugin over on GitHub and it has been scheduled to land in core in the next version of WordPress, version 5.0 estimated for the first half of 2018. Here’s a great roundup of Gutenberg information.
Gutenberg is an important step forward for publishers, reducing the visual difference between how
