‘Level up your programming skills’ – Learn Multiple Coding Languages with Exercism | @exercism_io

Challenge yourself to learn not one not two but over 30 different programming languages with exercism.io. Their Twitter bio succinctly describes them best:

Crowd-sourced code mentorship. Practice having thoughtful conversations about code.

Here’s a snapshot of current languages supported – along with the number of problems requiring solutions for each language – with more-to-come:

Are you a code newbie?

Learning to program is exhilarating and challenging… and also frustrating, exhausting, and overwhelming.

Exercism provides countless small wins. The exercises are achievable mini-quests: small and well-defined, and with enough complexity to uncover bite-sized knowledge gaps.

The solutions you write provide reviewers with clues about what you haven’t grasped yet. The feedback you receive will guide you to relevant study topics and dramatically increase the ease with which you write code.


Are you ramping up in a new language?

Learning a new language can be both thrilling and deeply uncomfortable.

You’re used to being productive. Now you feel hamstrung with one hand tied behind your back and an unfair suspicion that you should already know this.

There’s a gap when you’re past the basics but real-world problems leave you swamped by details and wandering down rabbit holes. Exercism aims to fill that gap with lots of small, self-contained practice problems with just enough complexity to stretch your mind around new concepts.

Your solutions are the starting point for a conversation centered around style, idioms, and best practices. You can write FORTRAN in any language, as the saying famously goes, but with enough feedback, you’ll quickly find yourself writing the language the way it wants to be written.

Check them out here and have fun!