micro:bit in Wonderland: Coding with Alice @microbit_edu #microbit #microbitlove #microbitmonday

via techagekids.com

We’ve written a project book for the BBC micro:bit inspired by the classic story of a little girl named Alice. Her journey in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, provide a perfect backdrop to learn coding and craft skills through project-based learning.

“Why,” said the Dodo, “the best way to explain it is to do it.” Come down the rabbit hole and modernise the White Rabbit’s pocket watch, program the Lobster Quadrille dance, create an anger monitor for the Queen of Hearts and lots more!

Create 12 interactive projects, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s classic story Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and learn how to program the BBC micro:bit mini computer using block-based coding. Gradually build modern skills as you learn about wearables, electronic games, e-textiles, electronics circuits, digital music, animation and much more.

The projects are suitable for beginners aged 9 and over (including teens and adults). Younger children will require adult assistance, whereas older learners can work more independently using the easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions with colour illustrations and photographs. Additional instructions, templates and bonus content are available to make things easy for parents and teachers.

The hands-on projects use simple, inexpensive electronics and everyday household and craft materials. The book provides a playful introduction for families new to coding, electronics and the BBC micro:bit. As you make each project you will develop important creative and computational thinking skills to enable you to imagine, design and create your own projects.

See free books here!