Multi-Layered Interactive Sound Design with NOISA Etude #2 #MusicMonday

From Juan Vasquez on vimeo:

The NOISA project aims to provide an intelligent system that acts to maintain and deepen the performers’ engagement by tracking and learning from the performer’s actions while playing NOISA instruments. It monitors the internal states of a performer ( e.g. motivation, affective states and reactiveness) and acts to maintain these states; if the performer loses individual motivation or interest, the system reacts by changing its physical control-behavior of the interface in order to make the interaction interesting again.

“NOISA Etude #2” is the second set of performance instructions created to showcase compelling, evolving and complex soundscapes only possible when operating the NOISA instruments, integrating the system’s response as part of a musical piece. The multi-layered sound interaction design is based on radical transformations of acoustic instruments performing works from the classical music repertoire. This second “Etude” is based entirely on interaction with spectrum-complementary Phase Vocoders.

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