New Year New You 2018!

This year, I am interested in Machine Learning Python Programming. The useful Python 3.x environment is to install Anaconda. Download the shell script and it will install all the related Python 3.x and Python Libraries for you. Your Linux may have 2 copies and 2 versions of Python and their libraries. You can uninstall Anaconda when you do not need it. This tool is very easy to use. You can also use Jupyter Notebook for the development.

Since I am not good at maths, I am going to find a more easier way to learn Machine Learning. The following is the list that I found from the internet which I can understand about Machine Learning programming and concept.

I just modified faizann24's Python script and the demo is below :

I write the script from the scratch. The demo is here :

The following demo is version 0.3 of the Machine Learning Driven Web Application Firewall :

The following demo is version 0.5 of the Machine Learning Driven Web Application Firewall. It is running much faster than previous versions :


[1] Josh Gordon's Machine Learning Recipes Video

[2] Machine Learning for Complete Beginners

[3] Machine Learning for Security Informatics

[4] Machine Learning is Fun

[5] FWAF Machine Learning Driven Web Application Firewall

[6] FWAF Machine Learning Driven Web Application Firewall (GitHub)

[7] Machine Learning Tutorial Video

[8] How To Build a Machine Learning Classifier in Python with Scikit-learn

That's all! See you.