Slackermedia is Slackware for Workflows | #linux

Slackermedia is documentation providing the information a user needs to create a full multimedia studio running on Slackware Linux. It teaches users how to build a home studio using only the best in multimedia content creation tools that Linux has to offer.

Slackermedia is brought to you by Seth Kenlon, a film and unix geek, and Klaatu, a Linux podcaster, plus the entire Slackware Linux and open source communities (whether they know it or not).

Slackermedia is not a “laundry list” of multimedia apps that are half-finished, nor a blueprint for mindlessly installing apps you’ll never use, nor a series of mindless install scripts. It is a series of tutorials on understanding the UNIX way as it applies to the artistic process, designing a personalised workflow, and configuring a system so that it works for you and not against you.

Slackermedia recommends various “workflows” depending on your needs:

Slackermedia is documentation providing the information you need to create a full multimedia studio running on Slackware Linux. Its philosophy is to use only the best and most stable multimedia content creation tools that Linux has to offer. This not a beta testing exercise or a development platform; unproven technology need not apply. This is building a studio so you can forget about the tools and get down to creating cool stuff.

For example here’s the Animation workflow:

See more here.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!