Troubleshoot Your Electronics with an Open-Source PantoProbe | #makertools

“Everybody probe now!”

This is the type of maker ingenuity that really excites me. Whether you need a tool like this because you need a dedicated hand probing small connections on PCBs or simply because you have shaky hands from too much coffee intake, Kurt Schaefer has an open-source tool for you to consider: the PantoProbe. Using just a few 3D-printed parts, some off-the-shelf hardware, and basic tools, you can construct one of these for your maker bench as well. There’s a full, detailed write-up for more insight on this project, a video (below) showing its step-by-step construction, and a Github repo with all the necessary files to make your probe-tastic assistant.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!