Ubeeri Pentest Labs

Recently I got an opportunity to checkout a penetration testing lab offered by Ubeeri. I just wanted to take a moment to recommend these labs to those looking to step up their pentest game. While these are not free labs, Ubeeri provides an immersive environment, filled with web apps, infrastructure, and even domain vulnerabilities, all ripe for exploitation. They have tons of web applications and network infrastructure, nestled into multiple trust domains, with various users and services scattered throughout. The labs I played were extremely fun, offering multiple ways to exploit each system, some easy and others more roundabout.

If your looking for a lab similar to the OSCP labs, but with more of a focus on domain trust (more real world and similar to actual corporate domains), then I can’t recommend these labs enough. The environments are huge, holding a range of vulnerabilities and trust issues, giving pentesters room to run tools like BloodHound or the PowerView tools in a lab setting. The labs are also real world in the sense that not every system is innately vulnerable. Ubeeri labs also include user simulation scripts, such as users who will open phishing emails, opening even more paths for exploitation. I really enjoyed the labs and the team supporting them is awesome, so if your looking for your next pentest team challenge or course, you should probably check these out. If you're still curious, you can read their first blog post to get a better idea of what they are all about.