Walkthrough and Demos of the Klipper 3D-Printer Firmware Project

In short, instead of modifying any hardware, upgrade your 3D-printer by modifying the firmware powering the unit. (We haven’t tested this so, at your own risk.)

Thanks to reader Alvaro for sending this in. He writes,

With a Raspberry Pi running Octoprint, and a regular 3d printer you can upgrade it without changing hardware, just by changing the firmware of the printer (you can go back if you need to). This new firmware optimizes stepper control to make the printer faster than default, way more silent, anti-oozing and with better torque.
Works with multiple 3d printer models from several vendors.

Or as described on the project’s Github repo:

This project implements a 3d-printer firmware. There are two parts to this firmware – code that runs on a micro-controller and code that runs on a host machine. The host software does the work to build a schedule of events, while the micro-controller software does the work to execute the provided schedule at the specified times.

For starter here’s some demos of Klipper firmware in action:

Here’s a video walking through the firmware installation: