Why your Small Business should be using WordPress

Today there are many options when you need a new or redesigned small business website from SquareSpace to WIX, WordPress isn’t the only easy to manage website tool anymore. However, it is still the best option for many reasons, so lets look at why your small business should be using WordPress. You want to own your content
WordPress is a CMS or content management system. It was built originally as a blog tool, but evolved quickly into a a website CMS. With over 13 years as the leader in the industry, it is no wonder so many people use WordPress to create their new small business website.
Content is important for any website, but if you want people to visit your site and pay for your goods & services, they have to feel like they know what you offer, and that they are going to get a good value. Content on your website is going to help you do that, and grow.
Content is also important and plays a key role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Without publishing a piece of content at least once a week, Google will think your website is stale, so it is important to keep it up to date with something fresh and new on a regular basis. The great thing about WordPress is that once you
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/16906/why-your-small-business-should-be-using-wordpress

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/01/08/why-your-small-business-should-be-using-wordpress/