31 Videos by Retrobrad on ‘Electronics Fundamentals’ – with Quizzes! Topics Include DC Series Circuits, Components, Batteries, Tools, and More | via @bradsprojects

Over the last few weeks YouTube user 00retrobrad00 has uploaded 31 videos to a playlist called Electronics Fundamentals Tutorial. You can check out the full playlist here but also be sure to check out Retrobrad’s website for the relevant quiz associated with most of the videos!

This is a series of around 30 video tutorials that I have put together to help those just starting out with electronics. Most video’s have a multiple choice quiz so you can test your knowledge before progressing to the next video. There are around ten more quizes still to be uploaded and they will all be uploaded before the end of February 2018. I hope you find these tutorials useful!

Read more, watch more, and take the quizzes here.