Castle Locker is a DIY Secure Porch Trunk

From Chris Meade on

Your home is your Castle. Increasingly, we enjoy faster and faster deliveries to our homes, but we cannot always be there to take delivery of our packages (since we cannot all afford to hire a personal doorman!) So what happens with all those packages we need delivered?

Do we try to pick up our parcels elsewhere and add another stop to our already over-busy days? Do we put the burden of accepting deliveries on one of our neighbors? Can we trust enough to let random delivery personnel into our homes? Or do we just cross our fingers and hope that delivered packages will still be there, safe and sound (and dry!) when we get home?

We need a better and more secure solution for unattended package deliveries that balances our need for security without sacrificing home delivery convenience, that reduces redeliveries, and that gives us control and insight into our deliveries. The “Castle Locker” secure, voice-controlled, trunk project is my prototype for securing package deliveries at the front door of our castles, err, homes!

Read more and see more on vimeo