“DO NOT Mix nRF52 and mBed OS Without Reading This First”

Adafruit 2018 0107

DO NOT Mix nRF52 and mBed OS Without Reading This First.

One the advantages of using an RTOS is not having to worry about creating common mechanisms like threads, locks and event queues. mBed OS is a fair option when it comes to picking an RTOS. For us at Jumper, being a maker of Dev Ops tools for the embedded space, we’re witnessing more teams checking mBed OS as their RTOS of choice.

And why not? It’s open source with an Apache 2.0 license and backed by ARM. It’s also written in C++ (we know it’s controversial, but we’re generally for it). It supports a variety of boards, so it’s relatively easy to switch to a different vendor if you want to. It offers support for a bunch of wireless protocols. It provides a bunch of examples to be used a baseline for your app. So far so good.

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