Educator PD Grants / Google for Education

Adafruit 2018 0076

We’ve been asked from educators out there if we knew of grants from companies like Google for getting Adafruit products, so we asked Google! Here ya go!

You must be affiliated with an education nonprofit, such as a school district, research institution, PD organization, university foundation, or Office of Education. Previous applicants are welcome to apply. If previously funded, please specify how you’re adding a new dimension to a former project or scaling your efforts. Applications are due March 2, 2018 at 11:59 PM local time.

We are prioritizing PD programs that are:

  • Localized: PD programs are custom-tailored to the participating educators and their school systems, if not designed in partnership with them
  • Community-based: Multiple organizations in the local community contribute to the design, delivery, and ongoing support of PD programs (e.g. local industry/businesses, college CS and Education departments, etc.)

The funding criteria for 2018 are:

  • Educator Audience: Pre-service or in-service teachers who reach students ages 11-18 (i.e. middle and high school)
  • Content: PD content based in the needs of your Educator Audience, mapped to the CSTA CS Standards or your local/state CS standards, and relevant for an in-class implementation of CS (i.e. standalone CS course, or interdisciplinary application of CS)
  • Partnerships: Applicant organization should list two current or anticipated partner organizations who will support the PD. Either the applicant or one of the partners should be a school district or Office of Education.
  • Format and Schedule: PD delivered throughout the 2018-2019 academic year with a format and schedule based in meet the needs of your Educator Audience
  • Support: Community of Practice (COP) that supports Ongoing Commitment and implementation of Content in the classroom throughout the 2018-2019 academic year by leveraging (or by creating a local chapter of) an established professional network (e.g. CSTA, CS for All Consortium)
  • Ongoing Commitment: Evidence for sustained involvement in your local community to ensure CS educator Support beyond the 2018-2019 academic year (e.g. delivering advanced PD, growing to reach more teachers, securing new funding/resources, etc)

Budget restrictions:

  • Organizations in the US may receive support of up to $35,000 (USD)
  • At least 10% funding must be allocated to COP activities
  • We strongly encourage that funding requested targets to impact at least one teacher per $500 requested (e.g. a request of $35,000 should reach at least 70 teachers)
  • Google funding cannot be spent on hardware giveaways (e.g. robots, tablets); funding can be spent on hardware used at future/ongoing PD activities, in a lending library, etc.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!