IO New features and more! @adafruitio

IO New Features – Feedback Forms and Public Pages. Adam writes –

It’s been a busy few weeks and there are a couple new features at Adafruit IO we’d like to mention.

First off, we’ve added a new feedback form directly into Adafruit IO, so you can inform us quickly about any trouble with the site or ask any questions about the Adafruit IO+ plan without having to go through the forums. We included a few options for feedback and while we will do our best to address any issues with the site or our client libraries quickly and directly via email, we aren’t able to respond to every feedback request. If you’re having trouble with your personal code or hardware projects, the Adafruit IO forum is still the best place to go for help.

You can find a link to the Feedback form at the bottom of the left hand sidebar on most pages.

Second, and something I’m personally excited about, we’re introducing public pages for every user. You can see mine here. There are a few pieces of Adafruit IO you can make visible to the public as read-only data. Right now that’s Dashboards and Feeds. With the public pages, we now have a one-stop location for listing everything you have shared so you can see what’s public and you can share the link with anyone who might be interested.

Our intention isn’t to make Adafruit IO yet-another-social-media platform, but we firmly believe that things can turn out better when we work together, so we try to make that easier when we can. Stop by the forums or our Discord chat server and talk about what you’re working on!


We have updated our io client library with 2.7.1.

This contains a new lastValue method (to get the last value sent in your feed), a small csv parsing fix, as well as updated ssl certificate fingerprints. This update is required if you are using secure connections. For any WiFi101 compatible boards, you’ll need to use the Arduino WiFi 101 Firmware Updater to update SSL certificates.

The lastValue method will hopefully be useful for script startup to populate any existing values on device restarts, etc. You can find an example of usage in example sketch 01.

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!