Motorized Table Dolly Upgraded with Spring-Loaded Motor Mount, Hot Rod Look, Made Around PVC Pipe Frame | #celebratephotography

Spotted over at DIY Photography, the video generated some interesting gear ratio commentary over at Hackaday too.

Anybody who shoots video or timelapse knows that the key to getting great shots often involves camera movement. This is why sliders and dollies are so popular. Almost every timelapse shooter or filmmaker I know owns one. Of course, they’re not cheap. So lots of people have come up with ingenious ways to build their own. Including one from way back in 2011 by Frugal Filmmaker that costs less than $20.

For Eric Strebel, though, while it worked great, he wanted more. So, he upgraded the one he made to add a motor. The problem is, it’s too fast. So now he’s upgraded it again to turn it into a motorised Hot Rod table dolly. The construction extends Frugal Filmmaker’s original design quite nicely. It’s a fairly simple modification, but you may need to use a few more tools.

Read more.

Also, +1 for that C.O.C. shirt!


Motorized Camera Slider MK3

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