My DIY Steampunk Robot @Halstaff5

Fantastic project build from Halstaff’s Animatronic Workshop.

Steve writes.

ARVIS is a Steampunk robot that was built to showcase many of the designs I use to build my characters. He is a portable and fully functioning so that he is able to be transported to conventions to assist me in teaching my Animatronics classes. He incorporates a wide variety of the products and techniques I utilize on a regular basis.

I used the materials from Phillip and Becky’s tutorial on your site – A teensy board, 2 TFT screens, a Lithium Ion Polymer Battery – 3.7v 500mAh and a Pro Trinket LiIon/LiPoly Backpack Add-On.

I did add a switch but used a vintage knife switch to fit the Steampunk design. I love this effect and use it with many of my animatronic characters. I also promote in my articles for Servo Magazine and will include it in a class I am teaching in March at the big Transworld Halloween and Attraction Show. Thanks again for all the cool products and tutorials!

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