NEW GUIDE: sino:bit MicroPython

sino:bit MicroPython is a new guide in the Adafruit Learning System:

The sino:bit is a small board computer for learning about programming and science like the BBC micro:bit.  What makes the sino:bit special is that it’s designed for a world-wide audience.  The inspiration for the sino:bit came from Naomi Wu who realized boards like the micro:bit could only be used by Western, English-speaking audiences because their small grid of LEDs couldn’t display large characters from Chinese and other languages.  Naomi worked with Elecrow to design the sino:bit as a world learning computer, one which has a large enough 12×12 LED matrix to display almost any character.  The power of the sino:bit is that it can open the doorway to learning about computing to a world-wide audience of makers!

MicroPython is a port of the Python programming language that supports small computers like the BBC micro:bit.  Since the sino:bit shares so much hardware with the micro:bit it’s possible to use a sino:bit MicroPython port to program the sino:bit with Python code!  This guide explores how to use the sino:bit MicroPython port.

sino:bit MicroPython

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!