NEW PRODUCT – Pycom GPy – WiFi, Bluetooth LE and LTE-M

3612 iso ORIG 2018 02

NEW PRODUCT – Pycom GPy – WiFi, Bluetooth LE and LTE-M

With WiFi, BLE and cellular LTE CAT M1/NB1, the Pycom GPy is a triple-bearer MicroPython enabled micro controller – the perfect enterprise grade IoT platform for your connected Things. Create and connect your things everywhere, fast.

Imagine three networks in one perfectly-formed, same-small-foot-print-as-WiPy-LoPy-FiPy-and-SiPy, IoT development board. MicroPython enabled. GPy includes WiFiBluetooth LE and dual LTE-M (CAT M1 and NBIoT). That means you get a hat-trick of low/medium/long range transmports. BLE is great for local and mobile communication, WiFi when you want free medium range data, and cellular LTE for use-anywhere long range.

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This one-of-a-kind board gives you full flexibility during testing, install, deployment and even later when you want to switch real-time your airtime network provider. You can switch when the time is right for you or set some parameters that will do so automatically. The GPy has a built-in operating system that supports MicroPython, the lightweight cousin of the Python web programming language. You can use this board as is, or develop your application, then minimize the design with one of the smaller and simpler Pycom boards (if, say, you realize you don’t need LTE cellular)

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Comes with just the dev board. You’ll need an antenna for LTE usage. The WiFi/BLE (which has a ceramic antenna built in). Using LTE/cellular without an antenna can damage the board!

For LTE you’ll also need a SIM card with data that can go on an LTE network.

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In stock and shipping now!