NEW PRODUCTS – 2.1mm DC Power Jacks – Slide Switch + Rocker Switch

NEW PRODUCTS – 2.1mm DC Power Jacks – Slide Switch + Rocker Switch

These brilliant inventions are a blessing for makers designing or using boards with standard 2.1mm DC barrel jacks. We’ve got ‘em with a slide switch and a rocker switch!

Many devices opt against a proper power switch, for size or cost or other design reasons. So, you’re expected to unplug when not in use. But you want something a little fancier! These 2.1mm DC Power Jacks have the same PCB layout as classic non-switched jacks but has a li’l extra on top – a labeled switch!

The switch does exactly what you’d expect: plug in your power supply (up to 16 VDC, 3A) and switch power on and off. On and off! On and off all daayyy-o. You can clicky-clack to your maker heart’s delight! We swear we’re not pulling your lead–I mean, leg, this has a seriously satisfying clack.

In stock and shipping now! 2.1mm DC Power Jacks – Slide Switch + Rocker Switch

from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!