Peter Hollens and Creating Online – How I Built It

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Intro: Hey everybody and welcome to another episode of How I Buit It! In today’s episode, I’m so excited because I get to talk to Peter Hollens, who’s an incredible artist and creator. You may have seen some of his videos on YouTube (link in the show notes). Today we’re going to talk about what goes into making them, as well as his online courses at Hollens Creator Academy. Peter’s incredibly passionate about this project and it shows. I feel like we’re both cut from the same cloth (minus the singing – I wish!) so this is a great (albeit it slightly longer) episode. We’ll get into it next, but first, a word from our sponsors.
Sponsors: This season of How I Built It is brought to you by two fantastic sponsors. The first is Liquid Web. If you’re running a membership site, an online course, or even a real estate site on word press, you’ve likely already discovered many hosts that have optimized their platforms for a logged out experience, where they cash everything. Sites on their hardware are great for your sales and landing pages, but struggle when your users start logging in. At that point, your site
