SearchCap: Google AMP ads, political ad laws & keyword cannibalization

Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
From Search Engine Land:
- Invest in a killer PPC campaign by using these smart budget strategies
Feb 16, 2018 by Jeff BaumContributor Jeff Baum discusses how allocating funds and developing smart budgets brings focus to your PPC campaigns and helps make them a success.
- What people get wrong about keyword cannibalization
Feb 16, 2018 by Patrick StoxColumnist Patrick Stox suggests SEOs should reconsider how they think about keyword cannibalization and look at it as an opportunity, not an issue.
- Winter Olympics Google doodle for day 8 of the games marks the Lunar New Year
Feb 16, 2018 by Amy GesenhuesGoogle’s Winter Olympics doodle series will include 17 doodles, with a new animated image for each day of competition.
- Federal Election Commission proposal toughens political ads disclosure rules
Feb 16, 2018 by Greg SterlingThe rule would bring traditional media disclosure requirements to digital ads.
- Labels now available in Bing Ads Editor for Dynamic Search Ads
Feb 16, 2018 by Susan WenogradNew feature allows advertisers to organize DSAs in a personalized way.
- Google says 100+ ad networks support AMP, releases 3rd-party technology support
Feb 16, 2018 by Ginny MarvinReal-Time Config component enables integrations with other technology partners such as data management platforms and server-side header bidding without impacting speed.
- Search in Pics: Valentine’s Day at Google, giant light bright & no Googlers allowed sign
Feb 16, 2018 by Barry SchwartzIn this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have and more. Here are some Valentine’s Day photos from Google: Source: Instagram Source: Instagram Source: Instagram Pineapples in […]
Recent Headlines From Marketing Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:
- Thinfilm’s NFC-enabled magnets let Campari customers reorder from their fridge
- Advanced Strategies for Effective Shopping Campaigns
- Kantara Initiative is out with a new version of its user data access specs
- A link-building case study: Using brand mentions and competitive linking tactics
- LiveRamp moves into B2B data with purchase of Pacific Data Partners
- The Trade Desk’s CMO says she prioritizes hiring & is committed to her team’s training & development
- How to build a stronger, more effective PPC team
Search News From Around The Web:
- Ask Yoast: How to avoid competing with your own pages, Yoast
- Find ‘Mutual Links’ with our new experimental tool, Majestic Blog
- Google My Business and Q&A with Mike Blumenthal | SEO 101, Stepforth
- Mobile-First Indexing or a Whole New Google? How Shopping Might Factor Into the Larger Picture – Article 3 of 4, Mobile Moxie Blog
- The Valuable SEO Advice That Fulfilled One Contest Winner’s Dream,
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