The Complete Guide to WordPress Security
WordPress sites are one of the most common targets for attack on the internet. They’re hacked more than any other type of site. If you, your friends, or someone you know has never had an experience of a WordPress site getting “hacked”, you’ve either been extremely lucky or have abnormally careful people surrounding you in your life. Security matters because WordPress sites are online, are running literally hundreds-of-thousands of lines of code, and WordPress is a common-enough platform that it’s going to be targeted by attackers. When Microsoft Windows was a relatively new and dominant platform with regular headlines about security issues, its defenders pointed out that the number of attacks was a big reason. While there were security mistakes being made by Microsoft, it was also the case that many security errors which were commonly exploited first on the Windows platform.
So too with WordPress. WordPress powers about 27% of the internet. That’s great, but it also means that if someone finds a fundamental security flaw that’s common on all WordPress sites, or even a big percentage, they can easily have thousands of servers mustered in a matter