Basic Heatsink Calculations – Using Stefan–Boltzmann & Planck’s Laws | #physics #thermalradiation #temperature

I’ve always been really fascinated with heatsinks – their overall design, function, composition – you name it! When I salvage electronics I’m almost certain to save every heatsink I can scrap, because you never know when you’ll want or need that specific design 😉 In the video below Ohmite quickly discuss how a few physics calculations (Stefan–Boltzmann & Planck’s laws) persist throughout most heatsink designs. You can tell the video is a bit dated – not only because they describe it as a “vodcast” – but it’s still useful for its “aha” moments.

Also in the video they show their patented heatsink for TO-247 packages:

I was unaware of this design but sure enough Ohmite have a few versions of it, as do others like Fischer.


This vodcast discusses the steps taken and calculations made when choosing a heatsink for industry standard package sizes.