How to Order a Drink With Your Mind #WearableWednesday #wearabletech #RaspberryPi #DIY

Barbot using your mind

Robert Prest has been working on some clever barbots, but his newest has a Jedi mind trick as reported by Hackaday. Barbot 4 can be used with a Mindflex EEG headset, making drinks just a thought away. A grandfather clock is used as a vintage cabinet for bottles with attached peristaltics. Drinks can be made with up to 4 spirits and 4 mixers utilizing a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of servos. Orders can already be placed using voice, keyboard or gui. For the Mindflex, Robert chose to use a Bluetooth module HC-05 to connect with Arduino, so drinks can be ordered untethered. It’s a matter of focus according to the post.

Concentration values over a certain threshold are used to cycle through the drink selection, while meditation values are used to confirm the order. Once it’s made, a voice command to “hit me” will see the drink served.

This is a fun use of the Mindflex, but I’m curious what would happen over the course of a few drinks. Does it take longer to switch into different modes to carry the order through? Eventually does drink ordering become impossible? If so, this could be a bartender’s perfect device for making sure people get home safely. Would you like to add some tech to your next party? Try this Smart Cocktail Shaker. With the help of Arduino, Android and a hacked kitchen scale, you will mix the perfect drinks. Of course this does not require mind reading, but you can always add that to a future version.

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