There are many benefits to starting science education early — very early #MakerEducation

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Via EdSource.

“Humans are wired to want to understand the world around them. We come out of the box that way,” said Elizabeth Rood, co-author of the report and director of the center, which is based at the Bay Area Discovery Museum. “Even kids who are pre-verbal have pretty sophisticated reasoning skills. The sooner parents and teachers introduce scientific vocabulary and concepts, the more likely kids will have the tools to help them succeed in science later on.”

The 44-page report, “The Roots of STEM Success: Changing early learning experiences to build lifelong thinking skills,” is based on a review of 150 studies on the education, cognitive development and developmental psychology of children age 10 and under. It found that even though very young children may lack the ability to sift through information and express themselves, they can grasp complex scientific concepts, test theories and draw conclusions.

Read more.

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