This Smart Paint Talks To Canes To Help People Who Are Blind Navigate

P 1 this smart paint can talk to canes to help the blind navigate

Ohio State School for the Blind is experimenting with smart paint. Applications of this tech could be a great tool for people with visual impairment and beyond!

Via Fast Company:

The paint uses rare-earth nanocrystals that can emit a unique light signature, which a sensor added to the tip of a cane can activate and then read. “If you pulse a laser or LED into these materials, they’ll pulse back at you at a very specific frequency,” says Josh Collins, chief technology officer at Intelligent Materials, the company that manufacturers the oxides that can be added to paint.

As the company explored how the paint could be used with autonomous cars–the paint could, for example, help a car recognize an intersection or lane, or provide markers that make GPS much more accurate–they realized that the paint could also be useful for people who are blind.

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