All The Very Best WordPress-Related Resources (A Giant List – for 2018!)

All the Best WordPress Resources (According to Us!) Yup – we’ve put together an enormous list of what we (with input from the general WordPress community) believe to be about the best WordPress resources currently available (note: this is to be a constant work in progress – we will be adding to and changing this as time goes on – stay tuned!).
The list so far (be prepared to scroll!):
Getting Started with WordPress:
– Official Homepage
– Official ‘About’ Page
– Getting Started with WordPress (Codex)
– Official WordPress Lessons
– Download WordPress
– WordPress Codex
– Get Involved
– Support
From Us:
– A Complete Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide on How to Make a Professional WordPress Blog – from Start to Finish
– An Introduction to WordPress: What is it and When to Use it?
Online Courses:
– WP101
– WPSessions
– WP in One Month
– Treehouse
– Lynda
– Udemy
– Learn Plugin Development (Pippins Plugins)
Official Resources:
– WordPress Codex
– WordCamp Central
– WordPress TV

