Fixer Challenge Accepted: Repairing a Red Sail X700 Laser Engraver After it Caught Fire

Amy Qian picked up a laser bound for the landfill after it caught fire and gave it some TLC to make it operational again. Here’s Part 1 of the story:

I am crazy excited about this new project! A job caught fire in this laser cutter (a Red Sail Laser X700) at my friend’s company. They decided to let it go, but he was able to intervene before all of it ended up in the trash. Now I am trying to make it work again. First step was to transfer it from his garage to my now-even-more-crowded garage.

The appearance of the enclosure is a pretty good indication of where the fire was burning. And although the soot is concentrated mostly in this area, there was plenty of grime distributed throughout the inside. So the first step was to take off all the covers and make the gantry more accessible.

Check out more repair shots here.

See more of Part 1 of the repair here.