More than 30,000 New Ham Licensees and 7,000 Amateur Radio Exam Sessions in 2017 @arrl

More than 30,000 New Ham Licensees and 7,000 Amateur Radio Exam Sessions in 2017.

“Despite the optimistic influx of 32,196 newcomers last year, the net growth of 5,349 — about 0.72% over December 2016 — reflects some 27,000 expired or cancelled licenses in the FCC database over the past year. In making the case for changes to the entry-level license, the ARRL Board’s Entry-Level License Committee referred to “the large number of Baby Boomers (roughly born 1945 – 65) [who] will soon be aging off the licensee rolls.” The committee predicted the likelihood of “a significant decline in the number of hams, unless we take steps to reverse it.”

Read more – And in other news ARRL Searching for its Next CEO.

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