SENSOREE’s Nanogami – Speak your truth. Listen to your gut. #WearableWednesday

Wow! This bioresponsive dress is b e a u t i f u l.

From SENSOREE on vimeo:

Nanogami is a bioresponsive garment to promote speaking your truth and listening to your gut. From nano –micro sensations, this dichromic, origami fabric monitors the microbiome then expands and contracts to keep your orbiting microbial friends in an ideal homeostasis.

The Nanogami technology is powered by a drone motor fan located on the sternum that collects microbes from the breath then inflates and deflates the bioresponsive fabric around the torso to monitor and balance the wearers’ microbiome. It is a living organic skin based on Sensoree’s concept of extimacy – showing the internal state, outside the body – to promote optimal microbiome health and wellness with realtime expression.

See more and read more about Nanogami on

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