Google Maps Platform New Pricing Model

Google announced today the launch of the Google Maps Platform. They described the new platform as: a simplified product structure, pay as you go pricing for all, and more
Technically speaking, from a developers point of view there are no changes to how the Google Maps API will work, the only difference will be in regards to their pricing model.
Starting from June 11, 2018, if you don’t enable billing with a credit card within your Google Maps Platform account and you don’t have have a valid API key for all projects, Google Maps will stop working on your website.
Does it mean that using Google Maps API is no longer free?
No, use up to a certain limits is still free, so it doesn’t mean that you will have to pay for sure. What it means, is that you must have a valid credit card and enable billing on your Google Maps Platform account, to use a Google Maps based applications.
What they radically changed, is the pricing model and the way they calculate the thresholds for free use.
Until 2 years ago, Google Maps API would return up to 25,000 keyless requests per day and would require an API key and payments only after exceeding the 25,000 limit for 90 consecutive days.
