Simple Tut: Code to Power On BeagleBone Black ‘Anytime in the Next 100 Years’ | #RTC #clock #linux

Cool trick from Josh Levine for powering on a BeagleBone Black ‘anytime in the next 100 years’ courtesy of the BBB’s RTC:

The am335x ARM chip in the BeagleBone Black has a Real Time Clock hidden inside that you can use to have the board spontaneously turn itself on anytime in the next 100 years.

Here I present a new utility to manage that built-in clock from the Linux command line, and explain how to use it to keep time, shutdown, software power cycle, and more!


Type these commands on your BBB running Debian and wait for about 10 seconds. You should see itself turn off… and then magically turn back on one minute later….

Read more here.

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