Testing an Online Store with 500K of Products powered by WooCommerce

In the article we’ll describe our experience of testing a high-loaded online store with the 500K of products base and we’ll show the results of the work of such an online store. Previously, we’ve done the WooCommerce high-loaded testing, you can see the results here:
Initial Data for Testing
The test site address: https://highload.premmerce.com/
The number of products: 500000
The number of categories: 1000
The number of brands: 100
The number of attributes: 100
Active plugins:
Premmerce (Premium)
WP Rocket
Yoast seo
Premmerce Search
Premmerce WooCommerce Brands
Premmerce WooCommerce Product Filter
WooCommerce Permalink Manager
Premmerce WooCommerce Wishlist
Template: GrandStore.
Generation of all demo data on the site is done with the help of the plugin: Premmerce Dev Tools
Generated additional settings:
The optimized filter by using the Premmerce WooCommerce Product Filter plugin
Installed Rocket cache
The ‘Rocket cache sitemap.xml based cache preloading’ setting is enabled
The ‘Rocket cache Enable cache for logged in users’ setting is enabled
The Premmerce ‘Use the same cache for all logged in users’ setting
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17387/testing-an-online-store-with-500k-of-products-powered-by-woocommerce

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/05/03/testing-an-online-store-with-500k-of-products-powered-by-woocommerce/