A browser extension that makes GitHub cleaner & more powerful

Refined GitHub Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
We use GitHub a lot and notice many annoyances we’d like to fix. So here be dragons.
Our hope is that GitHub will notice and implement some of these much needed improvements. So if you like any of these improvements, please email GitHub support about doing it.
GitHub Enterprise is also supported. More info in the options.
Latest changes (Updated regularly. Subscribe!)
Product Hunt submission (2017-07-08)
What’s new lately (2017-06-23)
Original announcement (2016-03-31)
Chrome extension
Firefox add-on
Opera extension: Use this Opera extension to install the Chrome version.
Mark issues and pull requests as unread
(They will reappear in Notifications)
No more jumps caused by recently pushed branches
(They are moved to the side)
Reaction avatars showing who reacted to a comment
The option to wait for checks when merging a PR
Clickable references to issues and pull requests
Links to an issue’s closing commit or pull request
Added features
Toggle all outdated PR comments or PR/commit files with alt click.
Copy the canonical link of a file with the y hotkey.
Indent text with tab
Source: https://managewp.org/articles/17541/a-browser-extension-that-makes-github-cleaner-more-powerful

source https://williechiu40.wordpress.com/2018/06/21/a-browser-extension-that-makes-github-cleaner-more-powerful/