Around the IP Blogs!

Follow IPKat on a Sunday afternoon tour of the IP blogs! We have an update on the impact of Brexit on designs and trade mark legislation, further developments on the infighting at Nigeria's main copyright collecting society and a scathing attack on the US Supreme's court attitude to patents.  


Rumors have been abound that China plans to extend its patent term to 25 years (see here), but it seems this may be been Fake News (see here). The SPC blog appealed for more information: China - patent term extensions allowable soon? See the comments for a useful update from Michael Lin (Marks & Clerk, Hong Kong).

Written description draws attention to an abstract on SSRN for a paper by Colleen Chien exploring the role of the innovator in the patent system: A Focus on Innovators Instead of Innovations. The abstract asks for a shift of focus to "a way of understanding and cultivating innovators that patent, not just patented innovation". Michael Risch of Written Description warmly supports this premise, and points us in the direction of a couple of interesting papers focusing on the stories of the people who innovate.

On IPwatchdog, Gene Quinn asks Did the Supreme Court intentionally destroy the U.S. patent system? in view of the MyriadMayo and Alice decisions. Gene Quinn proposes that, whilst "it is perfectly accurate to characterize this Court as a whole as anti-patent, it is quite another to characterize the Supreme Court as a knowing and intentional actor. That would require a level of understanding and appreciation they simply do not possess".


In Brexit news, Marques Class 99, highlights the draft legislation relating to semiconductor chip designs on the UK governments Brexit legislation information page,  "Design Right (Semiconductor Topographies) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 201": BREXIT - draft chip law change.

Brexit Kat
Trade marks

Earlier this year Katfriend and AfroIP blogger Chijioke Ifeoma Okorie wrote for IPKat on the infighting at The Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Nigeria’s main collecting society, from the perspective of the role of the sector regulator, the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) (IPKat post here). On the Afro-IP blog, Chijioke Ifeoma Okorie now reports on the recent step by the NCC to suspended the licence of COSON, and provides her further analysis: Infighting at Nigeria's main collecting society raises CMO governance issues

IP finance asks whether the US Trademark register is too full: are fraudulent applications leading to a dearth of good trademarks for legitimate businesses and increasing search costs?: Solutions in Search of a Problem: The Trademark Register Clogged? 

In more Brexit news, The Kluwer Trademark Blog reports on the statement by the European Commission that, following brexit, UK institutions and individuals will no longer be able to register domains using the .eu TLD: Entering the post-Brexit domain. The blog notes that the development appears to have caught EURid, the company responsible responsible for management of the .eu TLD, as unaware as everyone else, and that they received the communication with no prior warning or consultation.

Author: Rose Hughes