Blockchain Technology Will Be ‘Obsolete,’ Says Prominent Geopolitical Forecaster

George Friedman, a well-respected Hungarian-born U.S. geopolitical forecaster and strategist on international affairs, believes blockchain technology will eventually become “obsolete” — and he may be right.
‘It’ll be Obsolete’
Geopolitical forecaster George Friedman thinks the blockchain’s days are numbered.
Friedman explained his view of Bitcoin’s underlying technology to CNBC late last week at the UBS CIO Global Forum in New York. The chairman of Geopolitical Futures explained:
I’ve never known any encryption technology not to be broken. I doubt between Russia, China, U.S. intelligence services [that blockchain can’t be decrypted.]
He continued:
It’s useful. It’s visible, [but] at some point it’ll be obsolete.

Friedman is well-known for forecasting opinions which often go against the grain of mainstream political thought. As noted by CNBC, the author of “The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century” also believes China will struggle to maintain geopolitical power while the US will maintain its dominance on the world scale.
Chinks in the Armor
Blockchain’s biggest proponents believe the technology will one day change the world as drastically …

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