Camilla Barrow #INWED18 #RaisingTheBar

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Camilla Barrow is a Civil Engineer an deputy project manager for London’s Crossrail project.

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Via In Your Area:

It is her job to ensure the smooth running of the project – now in its final stages.

“The biggest challenge has been mitigating the impact on the surrounding environment, “ said Camilla.

“There is a lot of work going on to make it all happen and the logistics of getting it all in and out through the roads and tunnels without impacting the communities around it, that’s been the biggest thing.

“We have six 10-tonne fans, three at each end that ventilate the tunnel.

“They are big old things and we had to use air skates to put them in and think about what routes we could use, we had to bring them over from the East India side, avoiding busy times.

“That was a massive logistical challenge in itself and there was a lot of coordination with partners in the local area.

“There is a lot of infrastructure that has been delivered, hopefully without too many people noticing.”

There was also a piece in the DailyMail about the women on the engineering team for the project:

Project manager Camilla Barrow spent nine years working on rail schemes in Qatar, California and Washington DC, ‘but when I found out they were building the largest infrastructure project in Europe in London, my home town, I wanted to come back.

‘It is such an exciting industry. The world is your oyster when you graduate. There is a real skill shortage now, of women and men.

‘Having more women engineers is better for everyone – if you have diverse people on a project, you will get better ideas. If everyone thinks the same, you’re less likely to get innovation.

Read more from the Daily Mail and In Your Area.

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