Hada DBank Brings Premier Blockchain Venture Group: International Blockchain Capital’s Top Management As Advisor

Blockchain’s biggest effect as a disruptive technology is, beyond doubt, the financial sector. With the first of cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, designed specifically to bring in efficiencies and lowering cost of transactions, the technology’s use has increased many folds in the last few years.

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Though many other decentralized platforms and crypto tokens claim to bring in a new era in the banking sector, there are only a few that have struck the perfect balance by merging the technology with the existing system. Even rarer is a platform that has developed a banking system with blockchain as its foundation.

Hada DBank

Hada DBank is a Malaysian-based decentralized digital bank that has the distributed ledger technology of blockchain at its core. The bank not only stands out as one of the handfuls that have done so, but it is the first blockchain bank that is Sharia compliant.

This team behind the decentralized bank has tapped into a huge market. With nearly a quarter of the world’s population being Muslims, it offers the people of this faith banking services which are in align with their religion.

IBC’s Management As Advisors

International Blockchain Capital is a world-class venture capital firm that has a keen interest in the development of blockchain technology. The management has a vast and extensive experience in the financial and banking sector. The addition of their two members as advisors to Hada DBank only strengthens the banks’ already impressive line of advisors and guides.

His Excellence Khurram Shroff comes from a long line of investors, social actors, and philanthropists. He is on the board of impressive companies such as London Coin Exchange (International Director), Regal Global Trading (Vice Chairman of the Board), a founding member of the United Nations Association of United Arab Emirates and the Chairman of IBC.

Mohammad Arif Insari is the Chief Operating Officer of International Blockchain Capital and the co-founder of TokenVisory, an end to end token and its generation event advisory company. He is also a member of the Digital Currency Council, an association of professionals that promote the use of cryptocurrencies. Insari has an MS in Digital Currencies from the University of Nicosia.

Together with their vast experiences and background in digital currencies and finance, the new advisors are an asset to Hada DBank. The decentralized bank will use their knowledge and expertise to expand not only their operations but have a better understanding of the industry and how to service their customers their best.


The Hada DBank, apart from supporting major tokens and currencies, also has its own internal token, the HADACoin. The token is currently going through its initial TGE, where early birds can get it at a rate of 1 ETH = 3000 HADACoin. Account holders who store their assets in the native coin will be given additional discounts on the bank’s services.

A total of 500,000,000 tokens will be ever minted, with 295,000,000 reserved for generation events, including 50,000,000 reserved for the initial ongoing event.

For more information about the decentralized Islamic bank, visit their website.

by Guest via NullTX