How to calibrate the battery on your android phone or tablet

About this article

In this article, we are going to talk about calibration and recalibration particularly. In previous articles, we talked about the working of lithium-ion batteries and in this article, we will be taking it to the next level and learn how to calibrate the battery on your android phone or tablet.

Also, Check - How lithium-ion batteries work -
Als,o Check - How to keep your batteries healthier -

How to tell if your smartphone's battery is damaged

Nowadays, smartphones come with non-removable batteries. Usually damaged batteries tend to show signs of damage with a bulge or leak. So if you can see that your battery or smartphone has a bulge, it's recommended replacing the battery to keep the phone healthier. Newer batteries have overcharge protection and thus don't bulge but still, its recommended to first check physically if the battery is damaged and then move further with calibration.

How to calibrate the battery on your android phone or tablet

  • Discharge your phone fully until it turns itself off. 
  • Turn it on again and let it turn itself off. 
  • Plug your phone into a charger and, without turning it on, let it charge until the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent. 
  • Unplug your charger. 
  • Turn your phone on. It's likely that the battery indicator won't say 100 percent, so plug the charger back in (leave your phone on) and continue charging until it says 100 percent on-screen as well. 
  • Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say 100 percent, plug the charger back in until it says 100 percent on screen. 
  • Repeat this cycle until it says 100 percent (or as close as you think it's going to get) when you start it up without it being plugged in. 
  • Now, let your battery discharge all the way down to 0 percent and let your phone turn off again. 
  • Fully charge the battery one more time without interruption and you should have reset the Android system's battery percentage.