How to Set up Sucuri Firewall (WAF) on Your WordPress Site

Bot traffic is higher than it’s ever been. According to Distil Networks, in 2017, bad bots accounted for 21.8% of all website traffic, a 9.5% increase over the previous year. Not only that, but 74% of bad bot traffic is made up of moderate or sophisticated bots, which evade detection by distributing their attacks over multiple IP addresses, or simulating human behavior. This becomes a challenge for businesses that know nothing about how to filter out or block this type of traffic. Today we want to introduce you to an incredibly easy way to fight back using the Sucuri Web Application Firewall (WAF). Whether your WordPress site is under a DDoS attack or you’re suffering from excessive bots and proxy traffic, a WAF can help almost instantly resolve these types of issues.
Below we’ll dive into how to set up Sucuri’s firewall on your WordPress site, along with the optimal settings and the plan you should choose to see the best results.
About Sucuri WAF
Sucuri is an all-in-one website security platform that helps protect your business from security threats as well as mitigate already ongoing attacks. They offer a variety of different products and services, such as
