The IPKat is turning 15 ... and is inviting you to the birthday party!

It's (Kat)party time!!
Can you believe that the IPKat is no longer a kitten and is actually turning 15 this year?!

To celebrate the best of the teen age years of the IP community's favourite blog, join us on Monday, 2 July at Bird&Bird in London offices for an afternoon of celebrations and discussions about the recent past, present and future of this great area of the law!

For those attending there will be also a GREAT surprise!

Here's the programme of the day:

14:00-14:30 - Registration

14:30-14:40 - Welcome

14:40-16:20 - The past 15 years and the next 15 years of IP rights
Patents & SPCs
Trade secrets
Trade marks
Intermediary injunctions

16:20-16:50 - Coffee break

16:50-18:30 - Focus on selected issues: the next 15 years
How should and will industry change?
How should and will the IP bench change?
How will the study of IP change?
How will the practice of IP change?
Internationalization and IP and what effects Brexit might have
How does IP blogging fit into all of this?

18:30 - Conference ends

18:45 onwards - Drinks and canapés

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order) include: 

Also in attendance (and speaking) from the IPKat team: Verónica Rodríguez Arguijo, Ieva Giedrimaite, Rose Hughes, Tian Lu, Nedim Malovic, Cecilia Sbrolli, and Nicola Searle.

More speakers to be announced soon!

Further details and registration here: but hurry up because places are limited!!