Top: Wearable tech for Cyclists!
トップ Top from jiangnan on Vimeo.
Thanks for sending this in Jolin! Jolin says:
It is a group project done in Nanyang Technological
University. We wanted to create a wearable tech for Cyclist on the road at
night by using adafruit and its sensor.With a simple tap on the sleeves, it will signal the direction where the
cyclist is going to inform the other road users! Furthermore, the road can
be dangerous for the cyclist hence, if the car is too near to the cyclist,
it will show warning light ( red ) to the cyclist.Cyclist can let the road users know that they are stopping by tapping on the
chest to create the hazard light!The material is weather resistant too!
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!