AutoBrowser 4.0 - AutoBrowser Screenshot

AutoBrowser 4.0 - AutoBrowser Screenshot

About AutoBrowser 4.0
   AutoBrowser is a tool written in Python 2 for pentesters. The purpose of this tool is to create a report file (Json file) and screenshots of http(s) based ports on the network. You can choose between analyze Nmap report (XML file -oX) or scan with Nmap, then the tool automaticly Check the results with http(s) request on each host using headless Web Browser, then it would take a screenshot of the response page content.

   This tool is designed for IT professionals to perform pentesting.
Examples: You must to delimiting the values on the CLI arguments via double quotes only!
 * Get argument details of scan method: python scan --help

 * Scan with Nmap, checks the results and create folder by name project_name verbose via 10 workers:
      python scan "" -a="-sT -sV -T3" -p project_name --workers=10

 * Scan a host list via Nmap (like -iL Nmap flag), checks the results and create folder by name project_name and enabling java environment:
      python scan file_path.txt -a="-sT -sV -T3" -p project_name --verbose --java-enabled

 * Get the argument details of analyze method: python analyze --help

 * Analyzing Nmap XML report and create folder by name report_analyze trough a Proxy:
      python analyze nmap_file.xml --project report_analyze --proxy="socks5://"

 * Analyzing Nmap XML report and create folder by name report_analyze trough a Proxy with credentials:
      python analyze nmap_file.xml --project report_analyze --proxy="" --proxy-auth="username:password"

 * Analyzing Nmap XML report and create folder by name report_analyze with specify user agent:
      python analyze nmap_file.xml --project report_analyze --user-agent="My New UserAgent"

Install on Linux:

Install on Windows:
   Install Python 2.7.x from
   Install Git from
   Install Nmap from
   Download, extract and install PyQt4 from here

   Open Command Prompt as Administrator and enter the following commands: