Gauri Gill’s Ongoing Traces Memorializes Desert Graves in Western Rajasthan #celebratephotography

We’re really stuck by the connectivity we’re feeling from Gauri Gill’s Traces. Now we’re super excited to check out Acts of Appearance at MoMA PS1! From Gauri Gill:

Created from materials found in nature, the graves exist lightly upon the earth’s surface. They might include personal offerings from the home, or individually hand-inscribed gravestones. Over time, they are reabsorbed by the landscape as they are imbibed by other creatures of the earth, or erased by sand and the elements. Either partly embraced or nearly wholly immersed, each site is as unique and significant as a monumental work of art, although free of the heavy subjectivity of permanent historical record. As visual documents of these ephemeral constructions, Gill’s images occupy overlapping definitions of symbolic cognition.

Read more from Gauri Gill and Art News.


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