Interactive Digital Art Museum in Tokyo

via Smithsonian

A new art museum has opened in Tokyo, and visitors are invited to touch the art. The creators say the new museum is the world’s largest dedicated to digital, interactive art.

MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless, in Tokyo’s Odaiba district, combines science, art, technology, design and images of the natural world with simulations generated by 520 computers and 470 high-tech projectors. With over 107,000 square feet of space, the museum has 50 interactive displays that blend into one another over five different zones. The exhibit’s “borderless” name encourages breaking down barriers – barriers between one piece of art and another, art and its visitors, and one person and another.

The museum is a partnership between Mori Building, a developer, and TeamLab, an art collective.

“If an artist can put thoughts and feelings directly into people’s experiences, artworks too can move freely, form connections and relationships with people, and have the same concept of time as the human body,” Toshiyuki Inoko, founder of teamLab, says in a press release. “Artworks can transcend boundaries, influence and sometimes intermingle with each other. In this way, all the boundaries between artist, people and artworks, dissolve and the world teamLab Borderless is created.”

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