Introducing Adafruit AR #ar #apple #ios @apple
Today we are releasing our first augmented reality project. That’s right, we have an AR app! Imagine bringing Adabot wherever you are. With Adafruit AR, you can take Adabot with you anytime and anywhere!
Just point your iPad or iPhone towards a flat horizontal surface, then tap on the screen for Adabot to appear. Once placed, tap on Adabot for an electronic fact or tip!
In June, Apple introduced ARKit, its own framework for augmented-reality apps. The technology allows you to place virtual objects anywhere using your iPhone or iPad, creating the illusion that they’re in your physical space. While we first got to see ARKit demonstrated during Apple’s keynote at WWDC, the new feature is now available with the recently-released iOS 11.
Download Adafruit AR at the App Store!
from Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!