Turkish PTO sets up company to commercialize IP rights and provide consultancy

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The IPKat has recently received some news from Turkey regarding the functioning of its Patent and Trademark Office. Katfriend Özlem Fütman (Ofo Ventura) reports.

Here’s what Özlem writes:

“We would like to share with IPKat readers the news that the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TPTO) has set up a company called “Turkish IP Valuation Engineering and Consultancy Services Corporation” (Türk Sınai Mülkiyet Değerleme Mühendislik ve Danışmanlık Hizmetleri AŞ (TÜRKSMD).

The aim underlying incorporation of this company may be summarized briefly as "ensuring commercialization of the products emerging in the fields of patent, trademark, geographical indications registrations".

The company is an affiliate of the TPTO, with the objective of valuating the IP assets of real and legal persons, and ensuring commercialization of their works resulting from R&D or that are patented.

The Ankara-based company which is to conduct market researches will also provide consultancy services to technology companies. To that end, it will provide co-financing opportunity to the enterprises in which venture capital, investment partnerships, funds and business angels participate.

The company will also provide services regarding transfer and licensing procedures related to IP rights. The President of the TPTO also mentioned the following in his statement when announcing establishment of the company;
Identifying the new technologies, acting as intermediary for technology transfer procedures, and engaging in activities involving engineering services and information technologies are within the scope of the company. The company will make efforts to establish commercial relations between the inventors and private sector. Moreover, identifying the assets of real and legal persons which are or might be the subject of IP and their manner of use of the same, providing consultancy services regarding their management, valuating them and conducting studies on their economic influences are also within the scope of activities of TÜRKSMD. Our company, which will be conducting domestic and foreign market research regarding technological inventions, will provide consultancy services to technological firms.
The company will also
  • participate in tenders,
  • carry out training and accreditation activities,
  • provide expert services in valuation of IP rights,
  • prepare feasibility reports on the selection of computer software and hardware for public, private and legal persons, and receive and provide R&D activities, engineering, consultancy, training, support and service,
  • receive and provide any kind of domestic and foreign engineering services, provide engineering services in creation, development and revision of intellectual and industrial rights,
  • provide consultancy services for, and execute the processes within the scope of registration of the rights in the register and their protection,
  • engage in consultancy by providing national and international information, with the help of the specialists employed by, it to official agencies and legal and real persons, in the fields of commercial and industrial relations, patent, utility model, trademark, industrial rights, human relations, business management, marketing, investment, globalisation and finance,
  • conduct surveys on the services in foreign countries, prepare researches and reports, provide consultancy services on the matters involving international law and trade in the fields of software consultancy, patent and trademark valuation,
  • establish any kind of partnerships with domestic and foreign capital companies at home and abroad to achieve its objectives,
  • purchase, either directly or by transfer, licenses, privileges, trademarks, designs and operating rights at home and abroad, and register them in its own name, use them, acquire these and similar rights by entering into agreements, and sell the same.
The PTO has already started recruitment procedure for this new company to hire engineers in certain fields including software engineers.”